Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Twelve Tell-Tale Signs of Mind-Reading

Twelve Tell-Tale Signs of Mind-reading
Here are a few indications that your relationship with a particular person may be based more on mind-reads than on reality:
  1. You spend more time talking to this person in your head than having real conversations with them.
  2. You spend more time talking about this person to other people than talking to them directly.
  3. It’s not what the person says, but what they don’t say that affects you the most.
  4. You often find yourself wondering what they think of you.
  5. You read a lot of meaning into their facial expressions or voice tone.
  6. You think this person is not telling you the whole truth.
  7. You don’t feel comfortable telling them the whole truth.
  8. You feel bad after talking to this person, and you can’t tell why.
  9. There are many comments that bother you coming from them, but that wouldn’t bother you if they came from anybody else.
  10. This person seems to think and react in exactly the same way as someone else you know or once knew.
  11. You think you often know what they’re going through better than they do.
  12. You have the impression that they haven’t changed at all in a very long time—or that they’ve changed dramatically all of a sudden.
If more than two or three of these statements sound accurate, there’s a good chance that the relationship you’re thinking of is heavily influenced by mind-reads.

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