Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A quick comment on comments

We love them! It’s great to get feedback — whether positive, negative, confused, or enlightened. We’d like this blog to develop into an ongoing, interactive dialogue. We can’t necessarily answer your comments right away, but we always do our best to respond within a few days.

So don’t be shy! If there’s anything we wrote that you’d like to challenge, add to, learn more about, or relate to your own experience, jump right in.

A specific request
In response to our last entry, giving answers to our opinion/data quiz, one reader wrote in that she would like to see answers to our “challenges.” For statements 1, 4, and 7, we challenged you to rephrase opinions into data. Before we offer our suggestions, we invite you all to please take a stab at one or more of these.

Getting started with comments
For those of you not sure how to post comments, here are the basic instructions. (It sounds more complicated than it is. Each of these steps is pretty simple.)
  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the blog entry to which you would like to add a comment.
  2. Click on the comment link at the bottom right. (It will say “0 comments” or “2 comments,” etc.)
  3. Type your comment in the blank box that appears (labeled “Post a comment”).
  4. In the pull-down menu that says “Select profile…”, choose how you would like to be identified. If you have an account with Google, LiveJournal, or one of the others listed, you can sign in with that username and password. Or you can just post with your name and/or website (via “Name/URL”) or post anonymously. If you post your name and website, your name will appear as a hyperlink that brings people to your website.
  5. Hit the bottom left button, “Post Comment.” Voila!
We look forward to hearing from you!


  1. I enjoy your blog. Please let me know if you receive this comment.

  2. Hi Elaine,
    I responded directly to what I think is your email address... typically we'll respond just with follow-up comments right on the blog (like this).
    We're very happy to hear you enjoy the blog!
